010 The preceding images showsa CMO-level view of marketing data. This is an essential view that brings together all sources of marketing spend and revenue to display these as KPIs and trends and to calculate the marketing’s overall ROI. For marketing spend, this will include all investments to date across digital and offline channels, and can include your human capital costs, partner fees, and technology costs. For revenue, this can include all of your sales data from your owned and operated locations and ecommerce sites, as well as partner sources online and at brick-and-mortar locations. These combinations underscore the importance of being able to seamlessly connect to data so your KPIs and the resulting marketing ROI figure will be 100% accurate. Each of these KPIs is put into context using goals. Goals are a great way to not only check your status but know whether you’re on track, allowing you to answer “what does success look like?” and “how are we pacing toward our goal?” In addition to managing marketing’s impact to date, CMOs need to predict their performance. New capabilities in predictive analytics like Kwanzoo platform’s “One-Click Forecasting” allow leadership to easily look ahead to understand next quarter’s performance. Finally, the dashboard example below shows the power of correlations, unifying often siloed worlds together in one view — such as online and offline marketing. An integrated approach helps you connect TV and paid search activity or social buzz, as examples, to show how they are (in fact) connected. Connecting offline and online data helps marketers work together across teams to coordinate on spend, campaigns, messaging, and goals with a seamlessness that mirrors the customer journey. Marketing Synergies View showing Offline and Online Correlations These are just several examples of the elevated views an integrated marketing analytics approach can give your organization, but there are many more. These extend to other parts of the customer journey as well as deeper levels of granularity such as the placement and creative levels. As you plan your strategy, consider for every stakeholder how a connected view of their data can help monitor, measure, and manage every marketing investment, performance, and outcome. If you need help connecting the dots, inquire about your solution provider’s implementation methodology. Kwanzoo’s Decision Lenses framework, for example, helps marketers plan out each view to ensure their deployment supports smarter decision-making from day one through a simple step-by-step process. Kwanzoo

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