014 Chapter 7: Vendor Considerations YYou neou neeed a GTM plad a GTM platfotform tharm that automat automates the tes the tradtraditioitionally onally onenerrous and time-coous and time-consuming parts of nsuming parts of ” yyour analytics implemeour analytics implemenntatatiotion, likn, like dae data inta intetegragratiotion, n, harmoharmonizanizatiotion, and dan, and data modelingta modeling Many of these steps are made easier by — or are even contingent on — having the most cutting-edge marketing analytics solution available.Because the reality is that the number of necessary data sources for marketers is compounding. Technologies are increasing. The greatest constant in marketing is change. The key is making sure you have everything you need in one centralized seamless environment that’s easy to use and easy to manage. You need a solution that does all of this, and provides a platform where you can execute your integrated marketing strategy from top to bottom. That’s why you need a platform that takes the smartest approach possible beneath the dashboard level to make sure your data is always connected, clean, and organized. For this you need a platform that automates the traditionally onerous and time-consuming parts of your analytics implementation, like data integration, harmonization, and data modeling. Simple management of these steps will be the foundation of maintaining a reliable single source of truth regardless of how much your data changes or grows. To that end, beware of services-mandatory implementations and maintenance plans that will slow you down, incur unexpected costs, and open up the possibility of data gaps in your single source of truth. Instead look for speed, scale, and agility in your platform, powered by smart technology that simplifies the most time-consuming and expensive aspects of your integrated marketing analytics. Kwanzoo

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