001 Chapter 1 How to understand your B2B buyers through data Chapter 2 How to create a buyer- CCuussttoommeerr eexxppeeccttaattiioonnss aarree centric advertising strategy eevvoollvviinngg aass rraappiiddllyy aass tthhee ddiiggiittaall cchhaannnneellss aanndd ppllaattffoorrmmss wwee uussee ttoo rreeaacchh BB22BB bbuuyyeerrss ttooddaayy.. Chapter 3 ” How to launch and measure cross-channel campaigns Navigating to a future with 1st Party-Only Advertising The world is changing faster than ever, and so is the world of advertising. Customer expectations are evolving as rapidly as the digital channels and platforms we use to reach B2B buyers today. New privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA, have only added to the uncertainty faced by global enterprises that use advertising to reach their target accounts.. In response to these changes, marketers’ top three priorities are now around innovating, engaging customers in real time, and complying with privacy regulations. But no matter what changes about advertising, there’s one thing that won’t change — and that’s the fact that successful advertising is (and has been for the last century) about testing and measuring data so you can understand your customers and have the most relevant conversations possible. With today’s data and technology, marketers have the opportunity to understand their customers better than ever. This field guide is your introduction to the data-driven future of advertising for B2B companies, from a B2B buyer-centric strategy development to cross-channel campaign launch and data analysis. Kwanzoo

4. Data Driven Advertising - Page 2 4. Data Driven Advertising Page 1 Page 3