006 Chapter 3: How to launch and measure cross-channel campaigns Optimize every campaign with data-driven insights. The future of advertising is all about meeting the right prospective buyer at a target account, or the right buyer at an IAP account, with the right content at the right time on their preferred channels. Data is the key to connecting with customers this way.The sophisticated and impactful campaigns of the future will continuously use data to integrate relevant content throughout a buyer’s ongoing journey with the brand. While artificial intelligence and automation promise the potential for optimizing content for different audiences in real time, based on customers’ actions, to ensure the best outcome, today’s GTM and ABM orchestration and execution platforms continue to require strategic input on messaging from marketing strategists, and the processes require some level of human intelligence and periodic monitoring and intervention to be effective. TTooddaayy ccaammppaaiiggnn ppllaannnniinngg aallwwaayyss ccaallllss ffoorr aalliiggnnmmeenntt wwiitthh bbuussiinneessss oouuttccoommeess aanndd KKPPIIss,, ssuuppppoorrtteedd bbyy ddaattaa.. When building a data-driven campaign, you can begin by analyzing the journeys your target buyers and customers are currently on, and measuring the success of different content and channels throughout those journeys. Advertisers are reaching customers through a multitude of channels and formats. With cross-channel measurement, advertisers can better understand customer preferences and ensure that every message is relevant, authentic, and personalized. Kwanzoo

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