001 TTooddaayy,, aa mmaarrkkeetteerr uusseess uupp ttoo 2244 ddiiffffeerreenntt aaddvveerrttiissiinngg//mmaarrkkeettiinngg ppllaattffoorrmmss ttoo rreeaacchh tthheeiirr ppootteennttiiaall ” ccuussttoommeerrss.. As buyer shift their expectations and behaviors in response to a “digital first” world, businesses need to accelerate their digital transformations to keep up. Marketers and Revenue Operations have taken prominent roles in driving this transformation and are under increasing pressure to deliver maximum impact with every investment. What is Data Integration? In their pursuit of success, marketers are increasingly looking to maximize the impact of every customer 2 Discovery touchpoint. This requires embracing a combination of 3 Retrieval process, people, and technology to create a single system 4 of record. This helps them build a GTM intelligence strategy. Harmonization This GTM intelligence strategy must be built on a solid data 5 Conclusion foundation. Because B2B buyers are more connected than ever, marketers have more information than ever. Marketers now use, on average, 24 different advertising/ marketing platforms to reach their customers. These sources generate so much data that many marketers struggle to make sense of it all. Almost half of the marketers are spending a week or more every month preparing it. But with a proper data integration strategy, marketers can turn this information into a foundation to drive decisions and optimizations. Kwanzoo

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